Human Development and Family Sciences

Common Advisement Topics
The planning guide is specific to your major and requirement term (i.e., the semester you entered the program). The guide clearly outlines all of the courses that you have to take in order to meet your graduation requirements. Your advisor and the Advisement Center have these forms available and can assist you in filling them out. It is recommended that you bring your planning guide to all advisement appointments. Visit the the ECE Majors, HS Majors or HRA Majors page to find your planning guide.
Students in any of the HDFS undergraduate majors can have a minor. Browse undergraduate minors offered at UD. However, with any major, pursuing a minor could result in additional time beyond the typical eight semester/four-year scheme. It is advisable that students discuss potential minors with an advisor, as well as a faculty member in the sponsoring department. You can review the HDFS Advisement Center Guide for tips on how to add a minor. Students in Human Relations Administration have a required minor in Organizational and Community Leadership.
The University of Delaware has several grading options for students consider including Standard Grading, Pass/Fail, Audit, Withdrawal and more. Review the HDFS Advisement Center Guide to Grading Scales and Options to learn more about grading options and Academic Probation and to access the UD GPA calculator. Additional information about Academic Probation can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.
You can pay for an official transcript by following the instructions posted on the Registrar’s website or through UDSIS under Grades & Transcripts; on that page you can also download a free unofficial transcript.
Visit the UD Transfer Center website to learn more about transferring courses you have already taken or courses you plan to take at another institution. The website has a great search engine to let you know if a course at another school will transfer as a specific course here at the University of Delaware. You can also stop by their office located in the University Visitors Center. In addition, information about transfer credits is on the Transfer Credit procedure page.
We encourage our students to get involved with other HDFS students and faculty. Throughout the year there are seminars and “brown bag” lunches offered for all students to gather together for education and discussion. For university-wide activities and programs you can contact the Activities and Programs Office at 218 Trabant University Center. Additionally, there are several organizations closely related to our undergraduate majors that are available for students to join. Stop by the Advisement Center in 111 ALW to talk about opportunities.
Students should first review our internship page for additional information. There is a password protected, searchable database just for HRA majors and HS majors on the HDFS website. You can come to the Advisement Center to receive the password.
Learn more about the field experiences and student teaching for ECE majors.
The Early Learning Center is located on 489 Wyoming Road, within walking distance of East campus or accessible by UD bus. You can volunteer and/or serve a placement here with young children and their families. Contact if interested. Paid work may also be available.
Laboratory Preschool: Just behind the ELC on Wyoming Road is the Laboratory Preschool. You can volunteer and/or serve a placement with young children and their families. Contact if interested.
The Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood (DIEEC) is a project within HDFS that works with early care and education professionals throughout the state of Delaware. Opportunities for volunteering and doing research are available. Contact Dr. Martha Buell ( if interested.
National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities: This Consortium provides internships throughout the country for our students to learn about community-based inclusive services for individuals with developmental disabilities. They provide trainings and workshops where you can volunteer and do research. Contact Steve Eidelman ( if interested.
New Directions Early Head Start: This project provides students with opportunities to learn about young children and their families by participating in family centered activities, home visits, and policy matters. Contact Heidi Beck ( if interested. Paid work may also be available.
HDFS Research Guide: The Morris Library website has a research guide made specifically for HDFS students with quick access to the most commonly used databases, citation information and other resources.
CEHD Office of Student Support Services: This office is for all HDFS and School of Education students to help with academic concerns or counsel you through the complicated issues that may arise in your life. Located in the CEHD’s dean’s suite at 106 Alison Hall West, Ms. Kristine Ritz-Coll Assistant Dean is here to help you find solutions. This office provides academic support, advisement and administers academic policies. Contact: (302) 831-2301.
Office of Academic Enrichment: The OAE can help ALL students with the goal of academic success. The OAE offers activities that provide undergraduate students with extensive academic assistance through tutoring, study sessions, mentoring, and workshops. For more information visit the center website or stop by 148-150 S. College Avenue or call (302) 831-4555.
University Writing Center: This office helps students with improving their writing. They provide free individual writing assistance in the areas of punctuation, grammar organization, style, and documentation. You must make an appointment to bring a paper and they will help you with improving your writing skills. They are located at 016 Memorial Hall. Contact: (302) 831-1168.
Gender Based Violence Education and Prevention: Help with sexual assault, sexual harassment, partner violence, or stalking. If you or someone you know is dealing with any of these issues, contact UD’s Sexual Offense Support (S.O.S.) program for 24-hour victim advocacy, crisis care and support. Dial 302-831-2226 (through Student Health Services – ask to speak with S.O.S. and provide a “name”/phone number for them to call you back within 10 minutes). Additional information about resources both on and off campus, students’ rights, policies, and prevention efforts is available here.
Center for Counseling and Student Development: College can be stressful, and talking with someone about life’s challenges and complexities can make a difference. At the Center for Counseling and Student Development, you can talk with a psychologist for personal, educational, and career counseling in a confidential setting. They are located at 261 Perkins Student Center on Academy Street. Contact: (302) 831-2141
Educational Resource Center (ERC): This center, is our College’s “in house” library–geared towards students who are interested in educational activities with children (community based as well as school based). There are books and materials for children of all ages, printing facilities, computers terminals and a SMART Board. The Center is located in room 12 of the Willard Hall Education Building.
For additional information please visit the UD Student Resources page.
There are many programs offered for Graduate Study in the fields of Early Childhood Education and Human Services.
- Browse the types of graduate programs available based on field of interest or learn about more programs through these accredited associations:
- Human Services students interested in a Master’s degree in Couple and Family Therapy should explore our partnership with Thomas Jefferson University.
- Review the HDFS Advisement Center Guide (text-to-speech friendly version) to Grad School and Career Planning for helpful tips