Human Development and Family Sciences

Research and Public Service Centers
College of Education and Human Development Research and Public Service Centers affiliated with HDFS allow students to gain “real world” experience in human development and family studies through hands-on research and service-learning. Here, students of all majors can participate in classroom observations, mentoring and volunteering. These placements sometimes lead to employment.

Center for Data Driven Action
The Center for Data Driven Action facilitates data-driven decision-making through an integrated data system to help meet the racial, education, health and economic challenges in Delaware.

Center for Research in Education and Social Policy
The Center for Research in Education and Social Policy conducts rigorous research, program evaluation and policy analysis to help practitioners, policymakers, and the researchers who collaborate with them better understand critical issues in education, community health and human services.

Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood
Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood (DIEEC) engages in innovative research and partnerships that advance equity and promote high-quality education. DIEEC develops and delivers comprehensive, evidence-based supports for early childhood professionals, children and families. It implements the statewide quality improvement system for early childhood education programs and oversees the New Directions Early Head Start program.

Early Learning Center
The Early Learning Center in Newark and Wilmington is a University-wide education, service and research program, serving over 220 children ages six weeks to 12 years. Students complete classroom observations, volunteer and student teach in classrooms, under the supervision of University faculty, teachers and staff.

Lab School
The Lab School serves over 60 children, ages two to five, in an inclusive early education setting. In addition, it serves as a research site for faculty conducting investigations in language development, social-personal development, curriculum implementation and many other topics. Students complete classroom observations here as well as volunteer.