Human Development and Family Sciences

Graduate Student Associations

Education Graduate Association

The Education Graduate Association (EGA) is the official student organization of full- and part-time graduate students at the University of Delaware’s School of Education and Department of Human Development and Family Sciences. Officers are elected to EGA each year for a one-year term. Students are granted membership in this association upon acceptance to the School, and its officers are elected from among your peers and colleagues.

The EGA serves as a link to news, information, and events within the school that affects graduate students. It also serves as an advocate and representative to the faculty and administration of the School on matters ranging from quality of life to programs and advising. The EGA also holds events throughout the semester. Check the event calendar for upcoming activities and connect with them on Facebook.


HDFS Graduate Student Association

The purpose of this organization is to foster communication among students, faculty, and leadership within the HDFS department, ensure representation of HDFS graduate students on department- and college-level committees as well as graduate student government, foster graduate student professional development, and build the HDFS community.