Human Development and Family Sciences
University Policies and Programs
Professional and Continuing studies: Non-matriculated (First time) Students Registration into Credited Courses:
- Follow directions on UD’s Professional and Continuing Studies website.
- Click here to set up the University of Delaware Quick Bio. If you are unable to complete this step, call (302) 831-8843.
- Follow the remaining steps listed. Before registering for the course e-mail Caitlynn Strong, She will handle the registration into the credited course, (once the Quick Bio and UD ID number/info are set up).
Academic Honesty
As a University student, you are expected to exercise integrity when completing quizzes, examinations, class assignments, research, papers, and projects. The College of Education and Human Development and the University consider academic honesty an integral component of the educational process. Additional information is available in the Student Guide to University Policies.
FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and “grants certain rights, privileges and protections to students concerning educational records maintained by the University”. Please see the UD Policy and Procedures Manual to see how this law affects you.
Leave of Absence
Students who want to return to take a semester off from the University need to apply for a Leave of Absence, typically through the Assistant Dean’s Office. Failure to apply for a Leave of Absence may result in discontinued enrollment from the University. In order to re-enroll as a matriculated student and complete a degree, you’ll need to apply for readmission. For information on this process, visit the Readmission Form on the Registrar’s website.