Human Development and Family Sciences

Cohort: 2021
Dr. Rena Hallam
Early Childhood Development, Families
Research Interest(s)
immigrant families with young children, language and literacy development, nature-based education
Ekaterina Novikova
Ekaterina is a Ph.D. student in Human Development and Family Sciences. Prior to coming to the University of Delaware, she received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Linguistics at Tambov State University in Russia and worked as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher for children and adult students. Ekaterina is currently working as a graduate research assistant with Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood. Her research interests include language and literacy development, nature-based education, and immigrant families with young children.
- Novikova, E., Pic, A., & Han, M. (2023). Language use in indoor and outdoor settings among children in a nature-based preschool. Environmental Education Research.
- Novikova, E. R., Polyakov, O. G., & Hausmann-Ushkova, N. V. (2020). Legal discourse as a subject of study and teaching in the classroom in a foreign language specialty. Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities, 25(189), 31-38.
- Novikova, E. R., Polyakov, O. G., & Hausmann-Ushkova, N. V. (2020). Teaching English to Law students by means of discourse analysis on the basis of C. Hoffman’s comprehensive approach. Pedagogy. Theory and Practice, 6(5), 784-791.
- Novikova, E. R. (2019). Prerequisites for developing a curriculum for teaching professionally oriented foreign language. Higher School Academic: Traditions, Problems, Perspectives, 68-73.
- Novikova, E. R. (2019). Vocationally-oriented English language teaching to future Bachelors of Law. Derzhavin Forum, 9, 54-60.
- Novikova, E. R. (2017). Specifics of teaching Forensic Linguistics to future lawyers. Derzhavin Forum, 4, 20-26.
- Novikova, E. R. (2017). Socio-cultural dialog among BRICS young ambassadors. Current Problems of Modern Humanities Knowledge, 7, 39-42.
- Novikova, E. R. (2016). Formation of independent learning skills of future specialists. Personal and Professional Development of a Future Specialist, 160-163.
- Novikova, E. R., Polyakov, O. G. (2016). The study of French loan words in the English language and English loan words in French in training of Bachelors of Linguistics – future teachers. Pedagogy. Theory and Practice, 1(1), 36-39.
Recent Presentations
- Novikova, E., Lei Su, P., & Morini, G. (2023, September 21). The TV is on: Examining the relation between media exposure and preschoolers’ language use. Poster presentation for the Digital Media and Developing Minds Congress. Washington, D.C.
- Novikova, E., Pic, A., & Han, M. (July 26, 2023). Child language in a nature-based preschool: Does the classroom setting make a difference? Presentation talk at the Natural Start Alliance conference (online).
- Novikova, E., Pic, A., & Han, M. (May 19, 2023). Language use in nature preschool between indoor and outdoor setting. Presentation talk at The Association for the Study of Play. New York.
- Novikova, E., & Francis, J. (2023, April 28). DIEEC CDA professional portfolio preparation program: The links between attendance, cohort membership, and completion rates. Poster presentation for the Steele Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Novikova, E., & Gallo-Fox, J. (2023, March 24). Educational resilience: How a nature preschool supported family engagement at the onset of COVID-19. Poster presentation for the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Novikova, E., & Gallo-Fox, J. (2023, March 3). Family engagement at the time of pandemic: The case of a nature preschool. Poster presentation for the Delaware Days, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Gallo-Fox, J., Pic, A., & Novikova, E. (2022, April 2). Maintaining environmental excellence: Lab school nature programming during COVID-19. Poster presentation for the In Bloom conference, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Gallo-Fox, J. & Novikova, E. (2022, April 30). Nature-based home-school learning connections during COVID-19. Poster presentation for the Steele Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
Professional Experiences
- Graduate Research Assistant, Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Delaware, 2022-Present
- Graduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware Laboratory School, 2021-2022
- Undergraduate and Graduate Research Assistant, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Laboratory, Tambov State University, 2016-2020
- ESL teacher, 2016-2021
Honors and Awards
- Letter of Recognition for Outstanding Scientific Research, Tambov State University, 2018
- Graduated summa cum laude, Tambov State University, 2014-2018, 2018-2020
- Fellowship for Achievement in Student Science, Tambov State University, 2017-2018
- Award for Outstanding Volunteering Service, U.S. Department of State, 2013
- Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) program awardee, U.S. Department of State, 2012-2013
- S.N. Sergeyev-Tsensky scholarship for outstanding achievement in Literature and Linguistics, Tambov, 2012
Professional Memberships
- Society for the Study of Human Development (SSHD)
- The Association for the Study of Play (TASP)
- Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
- Natural Start Alliance
Past Education
- M.A. Linguistics, Tambov State University, 2018-2020
- L.L.B. Civil Law, Tambov State University, 2015-2019
- B.A. Linguistics, Tambov State University, 2014-2018